Posted in Beauty

Simple elegance….Soap

I came across this in the most innocent way…so let me tell you the story.

A couple of weeks ago I went to the doctors in the morning. I only needed to pick up a prescription so it shouldn’t take long and I therwaiting in lineefore crammed this errand in before I drive to work. So every minute counts. Thankfully the lady at the reception is a proper multitasker and had the 6 people ahead of me cleared in no time. With this added bonus I thought it would be even more of an achievement if I not only picked up the prescription but also to run to the pharmacy and get it filled. So off I went. Out of the stuffy practice, rushing down the many flights of stairs and into the already humid morning sun. By the time I got in the car which was stuffy and hot I was sweating. Not good. I break a sweat easy and it’s absolutely not on to be sweating before 9am. The only solution in my mind was to get a bar of soap and freshen up in the bathroom at work. I live in a village, so supermarkets and drugstores roger gallet soaponly open after 9am which doesn’t work for me as this is when I have to already be at work. Then I had a mind flash….I still had to stop at the pharmacy, this is my only stop before work and it has to be my saviour. Decision made… I would buy soap there….problem solved. I went in to the pharmacy which is highly impressive considering it’s a village where I live. They have separate sections for make up, all the good medical stuff, baby products and luckily for me a whole shelf unit for super pricey body care products. There was only one brand but they had different kinds of soaps to choose from. There was no price list and since I was in a bit of a hurry I decided to stick with my original aim of just getting a bar of soap, not a body spray or body wash as I knew it could be quite expensive and since this was an emergency buy I didn’t want to spend a whole lot. Now, the smell of just the bars or soap was amazing. Never in my life have I smelled any soaps as pungent in fragrance as those by Roger & Gallet. Yes, they are more expensive than your usual bar of soap BUT they are well worth it.

That day I was most taken by the lime scented soap, it’s called…..wait for it I have to look it up….”Fleur d’Osmanthus”…which means something to the effect of “Chinese Garden of Eden” but I only know that it smells divine. So I bought it which felt almost like giving a present to myself…that’s how taken I was by it. The soap comes wrapped in lime green silk paper and the one I purchased even had a travel box. So that’s an added bonus and makes me happier about the price. It’s still affordable and since bars of soap are kind of dying out I am glad I found this brand and will buy more.

I have since tried out the fig scented body lotion…do you want to know the French name for it?…..”Fleur de Figuier” which is a whole ‘nother level of a pamper treat and again I can’t stop raving about it.

I find these beauties would make an absolute statement when given as a gift. Sometimes you only need a little something to give, please consider this brand. They are amazing.

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